What’s the difference between a confidential record and a partially confidential record?

What’s the difference between a confidential record and a partially confidential record?

A record is considered partially confidential on our platform if it contains at least one note or document marked as confidential.

A record is considered confidential when its entire content is identified as such.

How to mark a record as confidential?

In the left-hand menu of a record, click the three small dots, then select Mark as confidential. The record will then be easily identifiable on the active records page.

What are the benefits for group organizations?

  1. Information separation: Clearly separates confidential information from institutional information within the same client record.
  2. Maintaining confidentiality: Protects sensitive data while allowing necessary access for institutional management.
    1. For example: If your organization has a coordinator, the title of a confidential record will be hidden to protect confidentiality.
  3. Quick identification: A label indicating partially confidential status appears in your list of active records, making them easy to identify quickly.

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