Is it possible to use voice dictation to add a note?

Is it possible to use voice dictation to add a note?

Voice dictation is a convenient feature that makes note-taking accessible and easy. On Psylio, you can use this technology to quickly and efficiently add notes.

How to use voice dictation to add a note:
  1. Ensure your device supports voice dictation and that your browser is set up to use it.

  2. Log in to your account and open a new note in a client record.

  3. Find the voice dictation option in your browser settings. The location may vary depending on the browser, but a quick internet search can help you find and activate this feature.

  4. Speak clearly to dictate your note. The platform will automatically convert your speech into text.

  5. After creating the note, read it over to ensure its accuracy. Make any necessary corrections.

  6. Once you're satisfied with the note, click Record to save it.

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