How do templates work?

How do templates work?

Templates were created to help you save time in managing your records and to ensure consistency in your progress notes. You have the option of using pre-written templates from our team or creating your own.

Access the Templates section by clicking on Settings in the left menu, then selecting Note templates.
  1. To create a template: 
    1. Click on Add a template.
    2. Enter a title, edit your desired structure, or copy and paste a template from your personal documents, then click on Save new template, at the bottom right.

  2. To use a template created by our team:
    1. Click on the template you'd like to use.
    2. View the content of the template and edit it according to your needs.
    3. Click on Add to my templates.

  3. The templates you add to your customized list are available when you write a progress note in a client record. To use them, simply click on the drop-down menu under No template.

When you write a progress note using a template, you can easily edit any part of the template. ✍🏼

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