How can I have my progress notes approved by my supervisor?

How can I have my progress notes approved by my supervisor?

As a trainee or student, you can activate the feature that allows your progress notes to be approved by your supervisor. 

To do this, you will first need to create the client record(s) in question. 

Once the record has been created, go to the Share tab, then click on Add. Make sure to give your supervisor reading, writing and approval access. Then click on Save (see image below).

You and your supervisor will receive an email to let you know that the record has been shared. 

Then, when you add a progress note to the record, your supervisor will receive an email, indicating that a note is awaiting approval (see image below):

*Please note: If a note is saved as a draft, the supervisor will not receive an email to approve the note. It must be added to the record.  

Once your supervisor has approved the note, it will be possible to view the two signatures in the footer of the progress note. To do this, click on the three small dots to the right of the note, then print. The platform will generate a pdf file containing the two signatures (see image below):